Letting Life Happen

as fall comes rolling in with its gray skies and fresh chill, i feel like (maybe) i'm slowing down and starting to accept this new season of life we are in. we kind of crashed head-first into the change and have still been catching up with ourselves ever since we got here. unpacking, looking for a job, adjusting to a new life, getting a new job, annikas birthday, school... its seems to have been non-stop and we've both felt unsettled - and a little crazy.

but lately it seems as if i can almost hear jesus whispering, "martha, martha...." in my ear and coaxing my spirit to just slow down. I went to arkadelphia this past weekend, the place that (to me) means peace, simplicity, contentment..., i have come home feeling refreshed. i've spent time with our "kids" from bible clubs, driven quietly on country roads, heard the stories from my girlfriends about what God is doing in their life and felt reminded that life isn't so much about 'being there' as it is about how faithfully we are 'getting there.'

my husband and i keep imagining this long road we are on and lamenting the time and effort it will take to get to the end. (as if we even know what the end will be.) we think about how impossible it seems in so many ways, and lots of other things that are completely out of our control.

but it makes sense that we would feel completely inadequate to do this because it is something God has brought us into. we kind of feel like this was His idea, not ours. we cant even pretend that we know what we are doing or how its going to work. but i feel encouraged these days because i'm starting to realize we aren't the only ones. everyone is just going forward, waiting on God, and letting life unfold as they find out what he is doing. we're going to miss out on so much if we dont just accept where we are right now and enjoy letting life happen.

so rather than imagining how things could be in a new city, in our own place, in a different life... i'm going to make another cup of tea, fold some laundry, and appreciate the rainy day out our window.


  1. I totally understand all the things you are saying...
    'everyone is just going forward, waiting on God, and letting life unfold as they find out what he is doing. we're going to miss out on so much if we dont just accept where we are right now and enjoy letting life happen.' i love that and it IS so true! i feel the same way when i go to arkadelphia/arkansas when i visited back in september i was so reminded of who i am in Christ and i was reminded of my passion and love for the Lord and for this life he is leading me on...you know? anyway, i love you and let's talk soon :)

  2. I love how you said... "so rather than imagining how things could be... I'm going to make a cup of tea...." I found myself saying something so similar earlier today... Rather than thinking too much about where I think I'm going or wondering why this is the road I have to take to get there, I'm just going to turn on some gospel music on pandora.com, read a book and enjoy the rain outside."

  3. don't miss out on the journey. its a good word, Brit. Love you and also enjoying the season's change, the fall chill, and hot cups of tea. :)

  4. yes, my heart resounds with yours. Why am I in this place? Why here, Why now?, Why not over there already? I"m essentially waiting in Austin until Tracy passes his military training then we can move on. But I try to find meaning everyday, serving where I can with a smile in my heart. Though some days its easier to bury my head in my self pity. I also tryt o find joy in everyday taking care of my daughter. It's not easy and frankly I'd rather fast forward my life 3 months and move on for this season, but I know I'll miss an important lesson. Just trying to be patient with where we are, separated again, me here, him there.
    i always appreciate your honesty, it's refreshing!


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